Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trapped! ... Sort of

I solemnly pledge that the following things are true, to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

1. I am glad that my husband is involved in a LotR club, particularly as it absolves me of any burden to develop an affinity this game so that he has someone to play it with.
2. I do not mind hosting it at our house, particularly as my much-to-be-praised husband did most of the pre-company cleaning.
3. I have other things to do, principally several squares' worth of quilting on my current project, a doll quilt in the "Spools" pattern.
4. During the evenings I rarely spend time in our living room, as I do most of my work sitting cross-legged on our bed. (Note: this posture has caused much pain and many aches and is not a habit I recommend getting into.)

Now, contrast these earnestly believed truths with this equally true truth:

5. I am and have been for the past hour miserably stir-crazy.

It is time for my house to be my own and for people to leave. I have no idea why I feel like this. It would be completely fine if I walked through the living room while they are playing or even - perish the thought! - if I took my quilting into the living room and set up shop on the couch. And yet. And yet.

At least I'm making good progress on my little Spools quilt. I love this pattern - it's old-fashioned in the best kind of way. It particularly lends itself to scrap quilts, but I "needed" to use up some blue, and happened to have a lot of the tan on hand at the time. I used a fantastic technique I learned at my favorite quilt store, Lavender Lime. When making your Flying Geese block (or in my case, a reverse Flying Goose with a 2" space in between angles) you follow these instructions but before flipping and pressing, you sew "behind" your first seam (think of it as an extra-big seam allowance) in a parallel line. Instead of big seam allowances that you have to trim and throw away, now all you have to do is cut between the seam lines and - voila! A small mountain of little squares that appeared out of virtually nowhere.
(As apposed to appearing out of the actual nowhere, which, regrettably, I have never had the good fortune to witness.) And, now that they've shown up on my doorstep, so to speak, I'll have to come up with with a new project to use them in. Minus their seam allowances, they're only 1" square. Perhaps a second doll quilt is in order.

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